Implementating REDD schemes have had some debatable controversial issue due to the absence of national legislation on REDD. Some issues are: Local government partnerships with overseas private company have resulted in low local profit sharing -30%, No legal position for local indigenous community around forest area, no chance for rural resident to participate in, unclear governmental role –central government vs provincial/local government, etc.
Recently, at national legal policy, those issue have been relatively elaborated since the enactment of the Forestry Minister’s (MoF) decree number 30/2009, May 1st, 2009. The MoF decree on the Guideline on REDD Implementation have covered some crucial issues:
1.Enables parties to implement REDD program in both state forest and private land (article 1,4,9). So there is possibility for: private/community to implement the carbon right concept, REDD project in a protected forest, conservation forest and production forest.
2.Provides changes for customary and local communities to participate in (art’l 4). This is a step ahead compared to the last COP in Poznan, international indigenous people alliance is trying to establish legal customary and indigenous people right in global agreement on REDD scheme.
3.REDD proposal for customary forest, village forest and private forest/land must be recommended, and or issued, by local/provincial government (art’l 8-10).
4.Unless for conservation forest, REDD proposal must be recommended by provincial government art’l 5-7)
5.Financial stream through REDD is governed by central government based on national financial acts.
Besides those positive points, I think there are some weaknesses or barriers for locals.
I’ll write down it later. Pretty tired now :)
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