September 6, 2009

List of REDD project in Indonesia

  1. MERANG REDD PILOT PROJECT (MRPP) in Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatera; 150,000 ha; Inititated by the GTZ, Mo Forestry, Provincial Govt, MUBA District,
  2. Ulu Masen project in Aceh; 750,000 ha, facilitated by Flora Fauna International (FFI)
  3. Kampar project in Riau; 400,000 ha, Leaf Carbon Ltd. and APRIL/RAPP
  4. Kuala Kampar project in Riau; 700,000 ha, WWF
  5. Tesso Nilo in Riau, 50,000 ha, WWF
  6. Harapan Rainforest in Muara Jambi-Jambi Province; 101,000 ha; Burung Indonesia, RSPB, Birdlife
  7. Berbak in Jambi; 250,000 ha; ERM, ZSL, Berbak National Park
  8. Kapuas Hulu and Ketapang in West Kalimantan; 157,000 ha; FFI, PT. Mcquirie Capital
  9. Central Kalimantan; 50,000 ha, Infinite Earth
  10. KFCP in Cetral Kalimantan; 340,000 ha; Government of Australia
  11. Katingan in Central Kalimantan; area....... ha; Starling Resources
  12. Mawas PCAP in Central Kalimantan; 364,000 ha; BOS, Govt of Netherland, Shell Canada
  13. Sebangau National Park in Cetral Kalimantan; 50,000 ha; WWF, BOS, Wetlands Intl, Care Intl
  14. Malinau in East Kalimantan; Global Eco Rescue, INHUTANI II, District Govt of Malinau
  15. Berau in East Kalimantan; 971,245 ha; TNC, ICRAF, Sekala, Mulawarman Universitiy, WInrock Intl, Univ of Queensland
  16. Heart of Borneo Kalimantan; 22 million ha; WWF
  17. Poigar in North Sulawesi; 34,989 ha; Green Synergies
  18. Mamuju in West Sulawesi; 30,000 ha; Keep the Habitat, Inhutani I
  19. Mimika and Memberamo in Papua; 265,000 ha; New Forest Asset Mgt, PT. Emerald Planet
  20. Jayapura in Papua; 217,634 ha; WWF
  21. Merauke-Mappi-Asmat in Papua; ……ha; WWF
Source: karbon

Most of those REDD project are being implemented or initiated under the voluntary carbon trading scheme, or as a pilot project, prior to the enactment of the Ministry of Forestry's degree about the National REDD. Some further studies are needed.


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