These following image are really cartoon, but the idea on them are really pointing on us, human. Many discussion of environmental issue are really solely covered by human sake eclusively on behalf of the earth. Are you on one 'on these' image?
Focussing on anything encyrcling Aceh. Environment is not about climate change, but all complex human needs.
A chalenge to feed their family, gaining daily cash, though high risk. They are need to be supervised. Could it be sustain?
"Almost all mercury compounds are toxic and can be dangerous at very low levels in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Because mercury is a persistent substance, it can build up, or bioaccumulate, in living organisms, inflicting increasing levels of harm on higher order species such as predatory fish and fish eating birds and mammals through a process know as "biomagnification". Although the long-term effects of mercury on whole ecosystems are unclear, the survival of some affected populations and overall biodiversity are at risk". (
"The average blood organic mercury level among study participants is 15.6 +/- 8.8 micrograms/l (n = 44), which is higher than levels reported by others among those who do not consume fish (2 micrograms/l.) (Source; Pubmedcentral.nih.go)
"Mercury can harm the developing fetus as well as young children whose neurological systems are still developing. Fish consumption by pregnant women or direct consumption of fish by young children is the primary pathway of exposure".(Source;the Ohio Department of Health)
"Scientists tested mercury in 13 insect-eating bird species and found that twelve had dangerously high levels. They then examined the birds' food supply, literally snatching spiders, moths and grasshoppers out of the mouths of babies in their nests. These tasty morsels all contained mercury. And spiders, which sit higher up the food chain, had even more mercury than fish collected from the river". (Source; Sciencedaily)