Since the signing agreement/understanding on carbon trade with some parties, the Aceh Governor, of Indonesia, has become more popular in the world. The agreement bound a partnership with private companies such as Carbon Conservation Ltd (CC) and Merryl Lynch initiating restoring and funding scheme. The CC’s contract focuse in the Ulu Masen Conservation (UMC) region while the Sustainable Forest Management(SFM) ltd. Is applying for an investment right in the Leuser Ecosystem Region.
Something funny in the recent world scheme of carbon trading, more popular called as the Reduction Emission form Deforestation and Degradation (REDD). Though the legal implementation will be conducted after 2012, many financial private company, known as Trans National Corporations (TNCs), claim a particular forest region in some nations as their project location. For example, as shown in their website, the SFM claim the Leuser Ecosystem Region (LER), of Indonesia, as their project area while in fact their proposal is still being processed by the Aceh Investment and Promotion Board. Stating the LER as their project area may block other international parties to participate in.
Domestically, the legal status and mandatory indicators of some potentially forested area of Aceh, for instance, the LER, the UMC, and Tripa swamp, is not clear yet to be incorporated as global REDD scheme as shown in Progress REDD table for some potential REDD or CDM in Aceh, of Indonesia. The REDD Proposal for the Ulu Masen Conservation region have passed audit process by smartwood but the management board is not yet formed. A management board for The Leuser Ecosystem exists but other conditional indicators have not been established. The Tripa swamp has project plan proposal but it has no management board.
It is obvious that the REDD philosophy, its potential for caring Aceh forest and the challenges are not yet socialized among provincial environmental stakeholders. Some prospectors, NGOs and government’s departmental leaders simply saw provincial forest as source of money throughout the recently unclear global REDD scheme. Support the REDD idea with avoidance of other socio-economic function of forest land. Other parties are opposing the REDD regarding local people rights (carbon rights), being afraid for the weakening of their institutional power.
To be work well, the Aceh Government need to synchronies’ national Acts and other policy with provincial legislation. Unfortunately, no one provincial legislation have been enacted. Recently, a Governor’s degree is being processed and parallel with the formulating of the Commission of Aceh Green. In accordance with the Department of Forestry (DoF) of Indonesia’s REDD commission, the Aceh Green Commission should be more perfect and more effective as it will be implemented at more specific area.
Do you have any idea? Please read the DoF’s document and share your opinion.. We will discuss it later for our better global environment.
Something funny in the recent world scheme of carbon trading, more popular called as the Reduction Emission form Deforestation and Degradation (REDD). Though the legal implementation will be conducted after 2012, many financial private company, known as Trans National Corporations (TNCs), claim a particular forest region in some nations as their project location. For example, as shown in their website, the SFM claim the Leuser Ecosystem Region (LER), of Indonesia, as their project area while in fact their proposal is still being processed by the Aceh Investment and Promotion Board. Stating the LER as their project area may block other international parties to participate in.
Domestically, the legal status and mandatory indicators of some potentially forested area of Aceh, for instance, the LER, the UMC, and Tripa swamp, is not clear yet to be incorporated as global REDD scheme as shown in Progress REDD table for some potential REDD or CDM in Aceh, of Indonesia. The REDD Proposal for the Ulu Masen Conservation region have passed audit process by smartwood but the management board is not yet formed. A management board for The Leuser Ecosystem exists but other conditional indicators have not been established. The Tripa swamp has project plan proposal but it has no management board.
It is obvious that the REDD philosophy, its potential for caring Aceh forest and the challenges are not yet socialized among provincial environmental stakeholders. Some prospectors, NGOs and government’s departmental leaders simply saw provincial forest as source of money throughout the recently unclear global REDD scheme. Support the REDD idea with avoidance of other socio-economic function of forest land. Other parties are opposing the REDD regarding local people rights (carbon rights), being afraid for the weakening of their institutional power.
To be work well, the Aceh Government need to synchronies’ national Acts and other policy with provincial legislation. Unfortunately, no one provincial legislation have been enacted. Recently, a Governor’s degree is being processed and parallel with the formulating of the Commission of Aceh Green. In accordance with the Department of Forestry (DoF) of Indonesia’s REDD commission, the Aceh Green Commission should be more perfect and more effective as it will be implemented at more specific area.
Do you have any idea? Please read the DoF’s document and share your opinion.. We will discuss it later for our better global environment.